December leave
Student Life Managers
SLI referral letters sent to Nerene in pdf format
Student Life Managers
Retention Drive October Schedule
Student Life Managers
*SLM input on Peer Support Group (PSG) process and participation
Student Life Managers
SLI Specific Disciplinary Documentation
Student Life Managers
SLM December leave
Student Life Managers
Disciplinaries for SLIs (Li-Ane/Altie)
Student Life Managers
Maxine/Gillian exam freeze up/stress workshops all buildings
Student Life Managers
*Altie SLM support
Student Life Managers
Altie/Jana programme support role split - Altie how involved?
Student Life Managers
First Aid kits for SLI Camp
Student Life Managers
Sport indemnity forms
Student Life Managers
Applicant photos for Voting App.
Student Life Managers
Check the checklist
Student Life Managers
Feedback from current SLIs on what how they personally benefitted from being on the SLI
Student Life Managers
Marketing posters to be put in the building - Sboniso to deliver
Student Life Managers
Women's Month: Women's Day Shout Outs & SLM spotlighting
Student Life Managers
SLI Team Building costs
Student Life Managers
Student Life Managers
UP Open Day
Student Life Managers
Sports Kits photos
Student Life Managers
Approval denied list - Thursday email
Student Life Managers
Fire Drills
Student Life Managers
House Meetings
Student Life Managers
Sleepovers in sharing rooms
Student Life Managers
Pin Board responses
Student Life Managers
Student Life Managers
Student Life Managers
Student Life Managers
SLI disciplinaries & merit/demerits
Student Life Managers
FAQ Discussion
Student Life Managers
I agree, new app is GREAT! Some small glitches, but sure Elanri can fix it for another 6-pack of beer and bottle of wine! :)
Student Life Managers
The New System is awesome - we owe Elanri a six pack of Heineken 0% beer
Student Life Managers
SLM Minutes - November 2023
Student Life Managers
SLM Agenda - November 2023
Student Life Managers